Some easy ways to make the home more environment-friendly and save on water and energy resources are through eco plumbing. Hence, the first necesssary step towards an Earth-friendlier home environment is to get a trusted plumber who provides you with eco-plumbing solutions from the start of your home project.
You can reduce energy use and green your home by installing energy-efficient heating and adding a touchless faucet as well as rainwater storage.
Water-Saving Fixtures
Eco-friendly plumbing upgrades, such as low-flow toilets or low-flow faucets with an aerator, are cost-effective ways to reduce water use without sacrificing function. Energy-efficient water heaters (tankless or a heat pump version, for instance) reduce wasteful energy use while also cutting utility bills. Lastly, plumbing maintenance and prompt leak repair is the key to consistent water conservation.
On top of lowering energy use and bills, green plumbing practices not only reduce the impact of energy use on our climate but also helps to conserve our precious water resources – while simultaneously tackling climate change and preserving natural resources for tomorrow’s generation.
Households can slowly implement green plumbing strategies at home by changing their habits, for example turning off the water when brushing their teeth, and not watering gardens excessively. A household can invest in rain barrels and other green plumbing practices and then an individual professional plumber could install the equipment, make repairs and do maintenance to maximise the ROI of green plumbing options like that of Cronin Plumbing and Heating who keep themselves abreast with eco friendly methods of plumbing.
Energy-Efficient Water Heaters
As climate change dries up available water supplies, reduces energy resources and drives up carbon footprints, increasingly more homeowners look to sustainable homes solutions to avert or mitigate crisis using eco-friendly plumbing upgrades and practices including low-flow fixtures, energy-efficient tankless water heaters, greywater recycling systems and rainwater harvesting home systems.
Modifying plumbing fixtures used for low-flow faucets, showerheads and toilets is one of the simplest ways to keep water usage in check while still preserving the function and comfort of your home. These features help limit the water flow used to wash your hands or brush your teeth, thus cutting down on water usage (and consequently, water bills).
Furthermore, you can cut down considerably on both bills and ecological footprints by having green plumbing in place — or plumbing equipment that is at its least environmentally destructive, such as cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) or recycled plastic pipes — or by just adopting ecological habits when it comes to water, such as by fixing leaks in a prompt and timely manner or indeed by using a dishwasher or washing-machine only when there is a full load. These are small changes, but they amount up to something significant over the long term, and Cronin Plumbing & Heating will be happy to explain the options that are available to you so far as green plumbing in your home is concerned!
Greywater Recycling
Greywater recycling is an eco-friendly plumbing innovation that helps homes reduce their impact on the environment by conserving water and energy. This is done by diverting water from waste produced in the shower, sink or washing machine, which then undergoes a treatment process, and is used for non-potable purposes (such as flushing toilets or irrigation of gardens).
Greywater recycling systems vary in their complexity but, ultimately, their goal is the same: to reduce water-use and, in turn, save homeowners money. In order to make greywater usable, it also has to be collected and filtered through to remove impurities, such as organic material that can have pathogens or contaminants. Greywater must flow through surge tanks only so long as needed, as keeping it there for too long can lead to it becoming clogged with waste and potential overflow.
There are also green plumbing practices such as keeping your eye on your water meter and promptly fixing leaks to cut wastage. Insulated pipes may help to cut heating bills and costs.
Rainwater Harvesting
Eco-friendly plumbing solutions, such as low-flow fixtures and smart irrigation systems, can help households be more mindful of their water and energy use – and help make your home smaller, too.
Apartflush toilets, another eco plumbing practice, which is also a no-brainer, is the installation of insulated pipes to reduce the amount of heat lost as the heated water flows through – in other words, it is not only environmentally friendly but also helps to cut your energy bill and waste that comes from leaky plumbing pipes. Take a very simple and low-tech action such as this to stave off water loss, aside from slashing your energy bill!
This is why regular plumbing inspections and immediate intervention in case of leaks would certainly help reduce water waste, while eco-friendly home improvements such as Providence Plumbing will help make your home greener. No matter how small the green step you decide to make, Providence can help provide efficient but affordable eco-friendly solutions for your home. Contact us now to find out more.