There are many reasons to grow your own food, but if you’re looking for the best reasons to start a home garden, look no further. Here are three top reasons:
Gardening reduces your carbon footprint. Every year, the average American consumes the equivalent of 400 gallons of oil. This oil covers non-renewable resources, such as fuel, pesticides, and machinery for planting and watering plants. A home garden also helps the environment by increasing the amount of oxygen in the air. Not to mention that it’s a great way to relieve stress and unwind.
Apart from saving money on grocery bills, home gardens are beneficial to your health and the environment. Using native plants can help support birds and other animals. Planting your own garden can help you relax and enjoy the fruits and vegetables. It’s also good for your mental health as the daily tasks can be very therapeutic. It helps you sleep better, reduces anxiety, and boosts your mood. As an added benefit, you’ll also be saving money on food and gasoline.
Besides boosting your immune system and improving your mood, gardening is an excellent way to bond with your family. Spending time outdoors also helps increase Vitamin D levels in your body. Besides that, you’ll also benefit from the benefits of sunlight and fresh air, as well as the ability to absorb more calcium and strengthen your bones. Moreover, gardening is a great way to teach kids the value of nature and responsibility.
As an added benefit, gardening is also a great form of aerobic and cardiovascular exercise. Even one hour of moderate gardening can burn 300-400 calories. The exercise involves walking and bending, which improves your overall health. There is a strong connection between gardening and your health. You’ll feel the effect of this practice in your body as your children grow. You’ll be amazed by how much healthier your family and friends will be.
The most significant reason to cultivate a home garden is for children. The physical activity involved in caring for a garden is beneficial to your child’s mental health. Children are often sedentary and don’t spend enough time outside. It’s proven that time in nature improves test scores and helps children develop a healthy relationship with the natural world. So why not start cultivating your family garden today?