Eco-friendly home cleaning solutions offer numerous advantages, such as safer ingredients, fewer allergens, and more pleasant scents.
Traditional cleaners typically contain hazardous chemicals which have been linked to health issues like asthma and other respiratory problems.
Safer for the Environment
When selecting cleaning products, it’s essential to choose ones which are safe for the environment. Harsh chemicals can contaminate air quality and negatively affect water quality.
These chemicals can have detrimental effects on plant and animal life, as they are difficult for water treatment plants to eliminate, leading to pollution in rivers and streams.
Eco-friendly home cleaning solutions are safer for the environment as they use gentler natural ingredients. Furthermore, these cleaners won’t pollute the air inside your house or release harmful chemicals which could lower indoor air quality.
Green cleaning companies typically employ biodegradable formulas and reusable containers, which minimize their products’ environmental impact. Furthermore, they usually opt for refillable items rather than single-use bottles to reduce plastic usage.
Safer for Your Family
Eco-friendly home cleaning solutions are safer for you and your family than their chemical counterparts. They typically consist of naturally derived ingredients and biodegradable compounds, meaning they won’t pollute the air you breathe or harm skin, eyes, or hair in any way.
One of the best ways to find eco-friendly household cleaning products is by searching for products that have either been EWG-certified or made by a brand that gives back. EWG-certified cleaners undergo testing by their respective nonprofit and feature transparent ingredient listings to guarantee they’re safe for your family and home.
Eco-friendly cleaning products not only have health advantages, but they can also improve indoor air quality and save you money on cleaning expenses. Many of these ingredients emit fewer volatile organic compounds (VOCs), the building blocks of smog. Furthermore, eco-friendly cleaners may reduce allergy and asthma symptoms as well.
Safer for Your Pets
Pets bring us so much love into our homes, but they also leave behind messes in the form of fur, dander and slobber. So when it comes to spring cleaning for pets, make sure you use cleaners which are both safe and effective.
Household cleaners often contain harsh chemicals which can be toxic to dogs and cats even if they don’t ingest them. This is especially true of products containing phenols, which are corrosives and hazardous to animal skin and respiratory systems.
Thankfully, most eco-friendly home cleaning solutions are safe to use around pets. They use alternative ingredients that make them less toxic and can help protect your pup’s sensitive nose, skin, and lungs.
Safer for the Air in Your Home
Eco-friendly home cleaning solutions are safer for the air in your house since they contain lower levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs can accumulate over time in indoor air, leading to respiratory issues like coughing, sneezing and asthma flare-ups.
Many common household cleaners contain hazardous chemicals, such as bleach, which can affect the respiratory system. These substances may lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma, and they also irritate eyes and skin.
Opting for eco-friendly home cleaning products is one of the simplest ways to improve air quality in your house. These products have been approved by EPA and contain lower levels of VOCs, helping reduce their impact on indoor air quality.
Eco-friendly cleaning solutions are great for the environment as they contain natural ingredients that reduce packaging waste and water pollution. Look for products with the Green Seal logo to guarantee you’re selecting an environmentally friendly cleaner.